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Introduction of green hydrogen in the transport sector and in the production of raw materials for the chemical industry


In preparation


Taaste- ja vastupidavusrahastu (RRF)

We support the creation of a complete chain of production and consumption of green hydrogen from renewable energy.

The call for applications is open, applications can be submitted in the e-subsidy environment from March 1 to April 12, 2024 until 17:00.

The support information day took place on March 11 in the Teams environment. 

The purpose of the grant is to test different entire green hydrogen deployment chains from green hydrogen production to final consumption in Estonian conditions during the implementation of pilot projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions selected as a result of the competitive bidding process.

What was eligible for the grant? 

The support is given to the entire chain of green hydrogen, the activities of which contribute to the achievement of the goal and result of the support and within the framework of which
- a means of transport is acquired together with the construction of a refueling infrastructure and a green hydrogen production unit or
- a green hydrogen production unit and a raw material production unit for the chemical industry will be established.

Grants are awarded in Estonian and more information can be found on the EIC website here.