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Development services for green technology start-ups


Rohetehnoloogiad Image: Pexels

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is launching a new support scheme for start-ups to support the development of innovative green technologies, as part of the green transition of businesses.

Estonia needs the rapid development of green technologies, both to provide solutions to our own problems, as well as to benefit from global green trends, thereby contributing to the growth of our economy’s competitiveness and exploiting the potential of exportable technologies.

With the help of the project, we will support the functioning of the existing ecosystem, from idea generation to the first levels of incubation. Through the conducted activities, we will also support the development of the green technology start-up ecosystem.

We will use the RRF funds to provide the services required to develop green start-ups in two phases:

  1. We will organise procurements to create development accelerators within nationally selected focus areas, to help start-ups develop green technology solutions from the idea stage to investor-ready start-ups.
  2. We will launch a support measure to help start-ups develop prototypes and pilot technologies.

The EIC is the executing agency of the ‘Green Technology Development Programmes’ investment which, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment, prepares the conditions for awarding the grant, conducts the application round, and advises the final recipient during the implementation of the project.

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