Ecosystem resilience increased
The purpose of the grant is to progress towards the favourable/good status of native species and habitats, increased resilience of ecosystems to the pressures of climate change and alien species, and mitigation measures implemented to avoid further spread of alien species.
Information about the open call
The purpose of the grant is to progress towards the favourable/good status of native species and habitats, increased resilience of ecosystems to the pressures of climate change and alien species, and mitigation measures implemented to avoid further spread of alien species.
The I open call is being funded from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation” and has been developed by the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Estonia. The budget of the open call is 800,000 euros.
Supported activities:
6.1 Nature conservation activities:
6.1.1 the preparation of pathway analysis of invasive alien species;
6.1.2 research and development of control options and methods that take into account the specificities of species and locations, practical control work based on this analysis and dissemination of the knowledge and experience gained to the public and stakeholders, including control of invasive alien species in at least 20 sites in Estonia;
6.1.3 training on practical control of aquatic alien species and more broadly on the problems caused by the aquatic alien species and on the prevention and limiting of the spread of alien species;
6.2 Marine environment activities:
6.2.1 applied research and analyses to determine the impact of climate change and non-indigenous species onto Estonia’s marine ecosystems and elaboration of relevant assessment methodologies and guidelines:
a) identification of valuable marine habitats for carbon sequestration, assessment of their carbon sequestration potential and elaboration and testing of relevant assessment methodology, a pilot project for the restoration or establishment of such habitats and communities;
b) assessment of the biological impact of marine non-indigenous species, also developing relevant assessment systems and methodologies, criteria and methodological standards for non-indigenous species;
c) analysis and identification of introduction paths of marine invasive species and risk areas, assessment of the invasive non-indigenous species distribution and distribution potential in the marine environment and in the Estonian sea area and proposing mitigation measures.
Maximum number of two applications shall receive the funding from this open call - one application with the highest score in point 6.1 and one in point 6.2. More detailed supported activities and invasive alien species can be found in the final call text.
Who can apply?
Research institutions and universities registered in the Republic of Estonia and who are in compliance with § 3 of the Estonian Research and Development Act.
How big is the grant?
- The minimum grant amount per application is EUR 200 000 and the maximum grant amount is EUR 600 000.
- The maximum grant rate is 85% of the eligible costs.
- Own contribution shall amount to at least 15% of the eligible costs. Own contribution shall be earmarked for the implementation of the project.
How can you apply?
The application process is in Estonian. More detailed materials, instructions and information can be found here, in Estonian, on the EIC’s homepage.
European Economic Area Grants 2014-2021
According to the European Economic Area (EEA) enlargement agreement, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway will fund, in compliance to their size and economic wealth, 15 European countries through the EEA grant financial mechanism in total with 1,548 billion euros, from which Norway contributes 95,8%, Iceland 3% and Liechtenstein 1,2%.
During the EEA grants period, different Programmes will be financed in countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The objective of the programme is to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and to contribute to the strengthening of bilateral relations between Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and the beneficiary states.
During the period 2014-2021, Estonia receives 32,3 million euros as a grant from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, from which 6 million euros will be implemented directly through environment and climate projects.