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Preliminary studies on the state of shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea


Meri Image: Pexels

In 2022, we signed a cooperation agreement with the Police and Border Guard Board to help carry out the project ‘Preliminary studies on the condition of shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea’, funded by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO).

The aim of the project is to investigate up to ten potentially polluting shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea and map their environmental risk. To this day, many wrecks can still contain large quantities of heavy fuel oil in their fuel tanks which, if spilled, could cause a large-scale environmental disaster. The options for pumping out the fuel and the cost of rendering the wrecks harmless will also be mapped.

The tasks of the EIC are to organise the communication between the project financier and the project promoter, ensure the proper progress of the project, organise a public procurement for finding the contractors for the survey, and prepare the reporting.

At the beginning of 2022, a launch event was held at the Seaplane Harbour. The picture shows Mati Kose from the Police and Border Guard Board introducing the project. Photo: EIC