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Renoveerimismaraton Image: Pexels

The EIC is a partner in a project of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications called LIFE IP BuildEST, a renovation marathon that updates and implements the objectives of the long-term strategy for the renovation of Estonian buildings and engages in the green transition in terms of energy efficiency and climate resilience of buildings.

The long-term vision for building renovation foresees that by 2050, the entire building stock in Estonia will be at least at the Class C energy efficiency level. The renovation wave will make a significant contribution to meeting climate targets, as buildings emit about half of Estonia’s total CO2 emissions. The broader aim of the project is to ensure that environmental and climate issues are closely linked to the development of the built environment – in a holistic and sustainable way, keeping the long-term perspective in mind.

The role of the EIC is to help give momentum to the major project in environmental and climate aspects: what challenges does the changing climate pose to the construction sector – such as the impact of flood risks and stronger storms, how to renovate buildings in the most circular economy and nature-based way possible, and what are the opportunities for innovative financial incentives, such as measuring and reducing the environmental footprint of buildings.

The project has a total of 18 partners:

  • Ministries: the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (lead partner and CINEA contracting partner), the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Environment
  • Universities: Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Academy of Arts
  • State agencies: KredEx, Environmental Investment Centre, Riigi Kinnisvara AS
  • Local governments: Tartu, Võru and Rakvere city governments
  • Umbrella organisations / specialised associations: the Estonian Union of Co-operative Housing Associations, the Estonian Open Air Museum Centre of Rural Architecture, the Tartu Regional Energy Agency, the Estonian Circular Economy Industries Association, the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, the Estonian Digital Construction Cluster, and the Estonian Woodhouse Association.

The project is funded by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) through the LIFE IP (Integrated Projects) programme.



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