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COP28 Estonian pavilion


COP28 Image: KIK

This year, for the first time, Estonia will have its own pavilion at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference COP28, which will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 30 November – 12 December 2023.

Seed money has been put together by the Ministry of Climate, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications to set up the pavilion. The EIC is the lead partner in the organisation of the Pavilion.

COP is the largest global gathering of organisations guiding climate and environmental development and national policies. In addition to high-level political delegations from countries around the world, international organisations and alliances, interest groups, observers, major companies and large corporations, as well as investors will participate.

Alongside high-level political negotiations, an area of national pavilions will be set up at COP. This year, the host country of Dubai selected around 100 countries to participate with their own pavilion, and Estonia was one of those countries selected. National Pavilions are essentially small event and meeting centres, where discussions outside of negotiations,  exchange of knowledge and a meaningful programme created by partners and companies take place.

See also the official website of the Estonian Pavilion.

Eelmisel aastal COP27-l korraldas KIK koos Kliimaministeeriumiga kliimanoorte arutelu Skandinaavia paviljonis külalisesinejana. Osalesid noored kliimadelegaadid Eestist, Soomest, Rootsist, Norrast ja Lätist. Foto: KIK